
Baconator Junior has a better ratio.

Good thing Trump never advanced his career by lying about someone’s heritage. That might be considered offensive.

Will this be like Decider, or more like Gameological Society or Starwipe?

No, I think it’s a sub site, like offspring for Lifehacker or adequate man for Deadspin. So, even more confusing than a 12th site.

Meanwhile, Lou Perlman remains very dead.

I was thinking that the black rendering up there looked a lot like a fox body

Man, Chicagoist had gone downhill but without it, or Gapers Block, or DNAinfo, there’s suddenly a lot less local coverage. At least we’ll always have Decider Chicago...

Well, they just announced today that they’re going digital-only

You’ll never work in this town again


The mantel should deflect most of that heat out into the room. Kinda the point. A lot of old houses with real fireplaces have no other practical places to put it.

Now it all makes perfect sense

Sea Lice: We Put the “Joint” in “Joint LP”

Amazon wanted it, didn't they?


"Go suck an egg" not valid medical advice

Won’t this just make addicts chain smoke more, increasing their exposure?

I think in hospitals you'd be seeing a lot of changes with modern medicine coming out of the war, you'd probably be seeing the "new" Knick that burned becoming outmoded itself, you'd be seeing the administration getting more corporate and the doctors becoming more school-educated and less experiential. Definitely an

Girlfriend in a coma? I know, I know - it's a rom-com!

Yeah, I love Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, but her solo YouTube stuff is hit-or-miss. This is miss.