
Where is this place that people can actually get jobs in historic preservation? I only ever see job listings for executive directors or social media interns.

The lyrics sound like a parody of ATDI if that was something anyone needed

Not knocking Burning Man, knocking Derek "Ion" and Micah Allison. Although you seem to be on their level too.

It sounds like they were methhead Burning Man type artists.

Yeah, Dead Like Me certainly wasn't a compromised work

Also it was a ripoff of Big Boy

Nate Silver gives it an 80% shot of having a bigger opening than Force Awakens

Press team is for the infowars staff

I was accelerating into traffic from the median, so into the left lane. There was plenty of space between us. So he switched to the right lane, passed on the right, then cut across my lane to the left turn lane.

Watch A Face In The Crowd. It's like Alex Jones with charisma. Boner pills, even.

Today I got cut off by a Jeep going 55 in a 35. His license plate read GOP

The feet they are finding are ones in buoyant shoes. The non-floaty feet aren't found. They're rotting off at the ankles or amputating at impact from suicide jumps, the shoe slows decomposition, they get carried off by currents and so wash up at the same place.

Is there another body part that's typically strapped in to a buoyant synthetic device?

The town hall overdubbing work at the end is truly deplorable.

"As much as when you see a blonde with great tits and a great ass, you say to yourself, 'Hey, she must be stupid or must have nothing else to offer,' which maybe is the case many times. But then again there is the one that is as smart as her breasts look, great as her face looks, beautiful as her whole body looks…

There is a suspiciously large proportion of stories from young gay asian men.

Ashley Feinberg would be awesome for Newswires & GJI though

cause it's a rip of scissorhands