
Andrea was more of a depressive druggie hookup girl

I think the point is to show trajectory, the actual routes aren't particularly important. If they get more detail, it will be in the region of the trajectory lines.

I think that's just iZombie

Which interview was that from? I was looking and looking last year and couldn't find it.

Remember when their interviews would include audio snippets?

Well, it is a long drive for someone with nothing to think about. I can see how this fall asleep.

Hard to deliver, too. Mailbox got hit by a Jeep.

Ashley Feinberg is terrific.

Would you ask Billy Bob that question?

That wouldn't be a chain, that would be a restaurant. "List of Defunct Restaurants" would be a very long article.

Was this a Green Room situation?

Exterior cable runs are ugly hack work. This goes for cable/satellite and phone as well.

But they recorded the songs and toured as The New Cars. And Ocasek signed off on that, presumably he got a cut.

And let's not forget the New Cars, where Todd Rundgren recorded an album of covers with the rest of the band and toured it. THAT, Ocasek is cool with.


I think there was another about this specifically.

I was waiting for the Treme theme to kick in.