
Did no one who made this show bother to check how plane crashes work? There's no way that many people had intact bodies.

Lousy superdelegates.

The 33 1/3 essay on it is great.

That's snoops "Sensual/Sexual Seduction", thank you very much

I know you are, but what am I?

You know, I like Bernie as much as anyone, but damned if his supporters aren't turning this campaign into the left's version of Ron Paul.

I was worried about missing ianucci, but this looks promising

It's not Television, it's HBO

Maybe Bob can play Modulate and Ted can play tej leo(?), Rx / pharmacists

He's a sleepwalking kitten with a heart full of nitroglycerine

That's a picture of Neko made up as a dude and a horse. A cigarette smoking horse.

yes, all hd

something something warm smell of colitis

Oh no! Pop is dead?

The president of the company is Canary M. Burns.

Medium Cool was my favorite air conditioner setting

Abigail had some sweet shades.

Rilo Kiley, the great Jedi