
I'm glad nobody yelled "Noooooooooo!" in that situation.

And in this scenario, Showalter is shipping his son and Cornelia's husband out of town ahead of attempting murder on Cornelia, which puts additional distance between them.

I think the flashback to Nicaragua was partly to establish that Captain Robertson's capitalism is unintentionally spreading death (the blankets, but he didn't KNOW they were infected), paralleling the company he started similarly spreading disease through Henry's actions, without the Captain's knowledge.

No, a child with both Eleanor AND Dorothy.

Yeah, it's pretty much a Avril Lavigne song with "we haven't fucked yet" dropped in.

We still haven't seen why everyone was so "Ugh, Opal" when she showed up though

I dunno, I was disappointed not to see discussion of the crazy complicated tracking shot at the ball.

I doubt there was much inventory control going on. They seemed to implement some after Thack kept stealing all the cocaine but that seems to have slacked now.

Not just a hospital bed, but a private room.

Well, manufacturing outrage by blowing mundane events out of proportion is what Parker does. A cursory Google search of “Parker Molloy” will reveal that.

A platter system is the most worthless component of legacy film gear. As prints become rarer, nobody will let you risk the damage of plattering. Changeover or GTFO.

That was barenaked ladies

Bye, Dr. Knick!

It wasn't actually in the movie.

I also liked that his inbox was "flooded" with 25 unread emails

Also the blown out lock cylinder from No Country

I'm thinking it was homage to the ufos in The Man Who Wasn't There

So, Esquire, then?

It's much easier.
