
But he spent half of it plugging his parody. Which was pretty okay.

I use a cart like this, but with a couple of $10 hard sided tool totes. The loops and pockets hold all the hand tools, sockets etc are each in their own pouches. Compact, portable, cheap, and easy.

I call that "divisive".

Out by the family stew?

A big, big stone fell and broke their crowns

Swift Photo Veterans for Truth


You're thinking of Snap Judgment.

Well, it's not even that actually. It's creepy on its face for modern eyes, for sure, but the point was that both sides were doing flirtatious roleplay. http://www.washingtonpost.c…

The cold open was the opening scene from The Sting.

They should have used that for brendanawicz


Andy Daly could totally do it!

Yeah, but adjusted for inflation, a 20" in 1973 would cost $2800, so there's that.

Did they give up on rebranding as O.co? Because that was a stupid idea. As stupid as this is.

What, St. Vincent was busy?

I had a math teacher who had a Very Special Lesson where we analyzed Audioslave's "Like A Stone" and an English class where we did Coldplay's "Yellow". Yeah, I dunno.

Resurrection is interesting as "Firefly, first draft"

Now we know How He Made His Millions