
This Broomshakalaka reminds me of Onion Digital Studios. I miss them.

The future is Jersey Shore.

That was annoying.

It reminded me a bit of Taxi Driver.

Not since Tracy Morgan, looks like.


It was pretty great!

And Out There, which nobody watched

She's Flame Princess!

Insane Clown Posse is writing the next theme?

My quibble: Why all the references to refurbishing a rundown building in a bad neighborhood that couldn't possibly have been more than a few years old?

That would explain the urn.

But she did have her phone with her.

Used motor oil is really the best conditioner for leather jackets.

So Ozzy's like a man made of some sort of hard, heavy metal?

Then would The Replacements have recorded a song called Be My Tommy Ramone instead of Alex Chilton?

Should have called Superman for help.

Yeah, they should have gone with "It's A Beautiful World".

Burning Love!