
You'd think Summerteeth would be the real on-the-nose choice.

I hope they did that via 2 layers of wigs

Remember Friday Buzzkills?

I'm on tumblr

Yeah, he walked into a party like he was walking onto a swift boat, not a yacht

Needs more ice cream.


And there's a cut scene to Freddie, who spontaneously combusts.

My experience exactly.

"Bake him away, toys!"

What If They're Wrong and You're Right?

I'm familiar with FA. She could make a good guess, but given that she has one shot with Will Graham, she'd want to time it rather precisely. Which would necessitate more monitoring.

But I mean, you have to be tracking for an extended period of time to plan like that. There didn't appear to be more than a month from Hannibal's suggestion.

Maybe he'll be back next week, except he'll be wheelchair-bound.

They cut the scene where he starts playing Candy Crush on his phone to kill time

Why would a lesbian be tracking fertility though?

Wendigo likes to watch.

Yes! Sex House was fantastic!