
I'm convinced this is all Teti clearing out the old ways.

Teti just became editor in chief, remember what the Gamelogical site looked like, connect the dots.

You spelled Pequod's wrong

And Teti just moved to Chicago! I say we kick him right back out!

Chicago-style pizza isn't deep dish, it's thin and cut in squares. Chicago-style Deep Dish is its own thing.

That didn't really make sense, because Eagleton's annexation would probably just require more wards to be created, rather than one councilperson suddenly having a wildly disproportionate constituency.

It doesn't make sense that he could make it for $7000, and write, direct, star, and edit it all himself. He'd have to have some sort of device that would allow multiple versions of himself to coexist. Oh, shit….

They explicitly say that - Abe collapses a box and brings it through.


Are they the McPoyles?

You'd think someone who likes the idea of "making it with a chimp" would be into the idea of being a sub.

I wonder if Danny McBride or Ken Marino got to actually try the jetpacks at all. From the lack of medium shots, I assume the action shots were just stuntmen.


Some of them have been pretty good, but ultimately I prefer the stream-of-consciousness anarchy of the 11-minute episodes to the traditional sitcom structure.

Koski doesn't write much here anymore

Van Patten killed it this episode. The lighting was awesome too.

Yeah, but the untreated mortality rate has been 100% as I understood it, so those two would've died anyway.

You're right. "More like Third Eye Brown" would be a more elegant construction.

Best new show of the season, yes. But that's not a tall hurdle.

Turns out the third eye is actually in the rump