
And Martha My Dear is about his dog. I hope there are weirdly mundane stories about all of his songs, like maybe Eleanor Rigby was about his mailman, or perhaps Lovely Rita was about a parking control officer.

Because the movie studios depend on opening weekend box office, they wouldn't want to allow that, because it incentivizes people to see it later. Cinemas actually lose money on first-run films, but make it up at the concessions and with people coming to see it later, where they have the same ticket fee and lower

Ask Eric Clapton and George Harrison

She called him Eddie, but really it was herman's head.

@avclub-043a5755513643c7f4a9cd35380ec33e:disqus The whole episode was pretty much "Branch Closing" repeated.

Don't worry, the library science job market is pretty terrible.

The reaction shots were especially brilliant. Thank you for calling that out.

@avclub-df1dd94dfda72e456bb5c85bf4048cc4:disqus Of course it's a mockumentary. Isn't Modern Family essentially a doc title?

A little shaky, you say?

@avclub-60dd44fc5944d2c8eb5bc7b7b9a3a70d:disqus I just googled that, and Robin Williams used that joke in both Bicentennial Man and Man of the Year. Nice.

@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus Babylon, so… Iraq?

It is covered here.

I really hated the way most of this episode was shot. It looked like it was straight aping Tom Hooper's empty formalism, all shots of textured walls and reversed rule-of-thirds. So many flat single shots. There were also some genuinely great shots, but anything that looks Tom Hooper looks the opposite of Scorcese.

@avclub-303c766a6aaaebd9b283e62c7b2d3e10:disqus "Lawyers Read What You Wrote There"

@e_buzz_miller:disqus Hmm, I think Amy Adams or Cotillard would have been better choices. Loved the film though.

Well, it's unrealistic that there's a space shuttle in space.