
That's her actual voice.

Romanes Eunt Domus

@avclub-07f2d8dbef3b2aeca9cb258091bc3dba:disqus so where does the "and I pawned it to buy drugs" land in the allegory? I think he shared the box story as a metaphor for his lack of self-respect and failure to earn Walt's respect but that doesn't mean it was made-up.

The ol' Matthew Crawley

Also, really, what influence would she have on Strong, who was born after Ebersole's brief run? Jane Curtin's gonna be known as original cast, but who's rewatching the Dick Ebersol era of SNL?

Why was the taxidermy movie shot in scope? If you're doing a 40s movie, the black bars go on the sides.

It truly put the fail in finale

I'm looking forward to a recut of the lumberjack scene with ghost dad and voiceover both arguing about what's going on and why

Wait, was Larry David's Clear History a comedic take on Breaking Bad?

@avclub-9b3d616efffb52751fd968db82ece52a:disqus Gretchen was Walt's lab assistant initially

The answer is there is no answer. It's clear now that Gilligan writes things first and fills in the details later, he's just really really really really good at it.

But only… THE LARCH

Ghost Harry started to come in and he was just like "….I have no idea fuck this"

@avclub-4529f345e74a6a27ccf74791e0aa7e12:disqus actually a lot of things didn't really match the longer leaked synopsis. maybe it was an early draft or something.


I was always a fan of the comment that said she has the posture, gait, and vocabulary of a cowboy named "Slim"

Just the tip.

Breaking Todd