
Treble in Trouble is really good. Evidently nobody's heard it.

I don't know if the Sin Eaters ever even played a show. I think it is a wry reference to that band though.

Calling it now: Murder-Suicide.

Maybe that's why Petra Haden left.

That, or Jesse is turned into a pillar of stone

Just like sister ray said

Well, I can certainly say that's the only time I've seen Ted Leo come onstage to dubstep

@avclub-24a1cc2fa5dfbd9191056b5d1dc5ad34:disqus  It is if you're over 60!

It's a reasonable extrapolation if you look at the state of aeronautics in 1929.

Ray Emery, Johnny Oduya

Lee Daniels is Queen Mary

Giovanni reminded me of Uncle Jack.

or he could have lived, butterfly effect and all. HBO MURDERED FARINA WITH A BLOOD CLOT.

Who digitized the Harry videos, anyway?

A lot of radio stations do that. It's called "stunting".

Also "Two Peaks Mall" sign a la "Twin Pines Mall" from BTTF/Maybe also a Twin Peaks reference? And one of the boss' team was McGinley, like John McGinley in OfficeSpace. Also I liked that they had a boss battle with a boss.

That was 100% Lundbergh

Vogel's a Strict Constructionalist, apparently.

She has the deadliest vagina this side of Lady Mary Crawley