
John Wellborn Root would've liked it though.

whoa, that WAS her. I just watched that last week.

And no one will be as shocked as me

The first thing to go when you lose it is conditioner.

I'd love to see some coverage of this new Mickey Mouse series advertised during GF. They seem to have managed to restore Mickey to being an entertaining character, and the aesthetic of the 1930s character designs with 1950s-esque backgrounds in a Flash-animated world is very interesting. It's so radical a departure

The trick is that after you break her body, you must hold her bones until a later time.

They sure love subcompacts.

But also bad enough to be covered by Jimmy Buffett.

Pretty sure that's his chosen name.


They should've gone with "Buttzilla"

this taste test had only slightly weird flavors

This Regular Show was even closer to the episode of Out There with Sharla's dad. I'm kinda surprised I can't find a tv-tropes page for getting along too well with your girlfriend's dad - they could call it Dad Bromance.

What about Bob's Burgers, where Gene gets along so well with the dad that he sticks with the girl who he does not like?

I think Sufjan included it not because of Chicago, but because of Metropolis, IL.

You can just go ahead and move a little bit to the left. That's it. Great.

Method acting!

President Kennedy?

"This suit burns better"