
Nobody caught Jeff's "You feel me?" to Pierce as a The Wire reference?

This is the penultimate of the season? There's been so little build and so little stakes this season, compared to every other season. I don't see that sword hanging over everyone's head. But maybe that's what gives the finale potential.

Wow, I totally forgot Half Nelson existed, which is weird, because I really liked it.

It's all gonna take a break

Is that like a pariah piranha?

The Nighty Night is pretty much the same thing.

I always liked the way the dialogue had an almost complete lack of pronouns.

Have you looked at the job market lately?

She has some twisted sense of humor

Doesn't that approach add to it, though, instead of just echoing?

I was wishing there was AVC coverage of this show while I was watching it just now, so, yeah, add it. It's a fun and clever show with a lot of potential.

I think he was referencing a certain novel, not literally whitewashing a fence.

Mike picked up the truck. Jesse and Walt were standing next to it when Walt made his "This is all about me" speech. They showed the cut-off exhaust pipe. Can't believe nobody caught that.

Elvis Costello
Joe Jackson would like to have a word with you.

Return of Fly

I wonder if that was supposed to be Saint Louie?

Fly #2-8

You can go to her sister's if you say you'll watch the baby.

Maybe Amelie Gillette will switch NBC sitcoms, also.