
Don't forget about the Bryan Fuller directed episode, featuring the Wax Lion from Wonderfalls, Ellen Muth, and Anna Friel. Sweeps week.

I'd like to see how many AV commenters winced at that.

probably no Jane Lynch.

"Arrested had it's rules set out and never dared break them. When the show has flashbacks to the 80s or 70s they're using the same exact kid actors or the actual actors wear the same silly wigs."

They're just big fans of The Room.

I've got a liver the size of coconuts
Russell Brand is the tragedy, right?

There was also an earlier reference to Star Child

Professor Myles was surely referencing Walt Whitman. "Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes."

I thought it was 2001

she was trying to fill in for dad, clearly.

I really like that Rebecca Black is up there.

He planned it as the first in a trilogy, so, yeah.

Bertolucci revisited the same themes A LOT. If you see the rest of his films, Last Tango is redundant. Although it does have some fantastic cinematography.

It's good but
The Dreamers is basically the same movie but better.

No, it's like, the fifth stage of sleep. Never try again.

Hairplugs for men.

Yeah, that total commitment really brings the whole show up a level.

The Who Sell Out can't really be described as mocking sell-outs so much as blurring the distinction between commercials and music.

Maybe it's not too late to turn it into an adaptation of Black Swan

Was that Maria Bamford cameoing as Aunt Linda?