
would it be
Bad Regional Manager?

It would be great if Don just pulled this trick over and over to get from Junior Copywriter to Account Executive in 5 years.

wait! wait!
Pete & Pete!

So why doesn't peggy just sublet hers for the evening?

I dunno, Sabra Hummus is very different from, say, Tribe.

Yeah, this article really undersells Sell Out.

SCDP is in the Time-Life building: http://www.emporis.com/appl… . They are maintaining a ruse that they lease two floors. (Don even mentioned "dual floors" in his interview at the end - using the opportunity to build the myth of SCDP.) In a sense, it's a fictional construction that they have two floors - they can't

I thought you took the Highway To Hell to the interchange with the Highway From Hell

Or Kafka's Metamorphosis, waking up as an insect. And who can forget when you wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy?

Someone must have said "Forever"

The Rosemont Theatre is neither small nor beautiful nor good-sounding. Now, seeing Radiohead from the second row at the Auditorium Theatre, that was awesome.

Tim Whatley wore a jacket like that.

It was a 737 and a small plane, and the 737 wasn't full

Ice Station Zebra is for the children

@Johnny Jackson - Yeah, Fring was definitely showing an accent tonight. It was a subtle way of showing him letting his guard down, since he's so careful to have a neutral accent in public.

Also, does someone in production know someone in the windshield industry or something? Walt really should invest in some bulletproof Aztek glass.

I believe the loose round was the one pocketed in the back of the semi. Like razors!

his lab was just crushed.

But given Heigl's propensity for trash-talk…