Dr. Matt

Charles C. Johnson likes pooping everywhere but in the toilet.

Not only is the NCAA canceling the Anthem, but males in attendance (fans and athletes) are required to wear silk thong panties. There will be TSA-like inspections of all males.

2016 may have taken Prince and Bowie, but it has also taken Scalia and Shlafly.

*mic drop*

Schlafly was Ann Coulter before there was an Ann Coulter.

This must be very early in the morning before his Chardonnay and Marlboro breakfast.

Why do we always assume THEY are the Aliens? Maybe WE are the Aliens...and they are the Predators??? Think about it.

Trump Supporters Everywhere: “Something, something, something Obama, Chicago, something, something, Soros, something, something, Thugs, something, something, Alinksy.”

300 Reindeer killed in Norway! Just what I have been saying. This is why Reindeer WILL VOTE TRUMP! @realDonaldTrump August 29, 2016

How about: Las Vegas Will Be Relocating in 10 Years

4) It’s Obama’s fault....and Bill’s....and Hillary’s....and gay marriage....

Go to Google Images and put in Huma Abedin. This poor girl never smiles.

I would love to park one in a “compact only” parking spots (or 8 spots).

Do you miss Gawker.com?

It appears that Trump and Adelson use the same hair stylist.

In other words, if we were “un-greyed” we are sort of big deal now. Nice.


He’s like the Oprah of ejections.

Hey Nick Martin, remind us again how last season:

Tiger Woods didn’t really do anything wrong except get caught.