
*looks at header image, immediately starts weeping*

I’ll bite on this. I don’t really care whether someone is in an interracial relationship. I’ve been around quite a few, and I’ve been in one myself. There is a little part of me that absolutely rolls my eyes when I hear a girl (or guy) say “I only date ____”, though.

OH MY GOD. Their chocolate-cherry (or was it raspberry?) milkshakes were DIVOON ... with the little chocolate shavings? RAX WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME.

I don’t know what “BBC” stands for in this context, but I sure hope it’s the beef, bacon and cheddar sandwich from the fast food chain Rax in the 90s.

celebrating whiteness is when we all get together and have a race to see who is fastest/nimblest at calling the cops.

Not to mention that the reason why the vast majority of black Americans don’t celebrate being Ghanaian, Zulu, Xhosa-speaking, or whatever other granular-level identity would be comparable, is because they don’t know even one aspect of their deeper-rooted cultural heritage. Because their ancestors were torn from those

I think Sansa might have deserved the hate in Season 1. She was pretty selfish and more focused on her family messing up her dreams of becoming a princess than their actual wellbeing. But she quickly grew out of that and became one of the strongest characters on the show.

This is set gossip, so take with the requisite grain of salt, but supposedly Alyson Hannigan really disliked the storyline (not for the gay angle, but because she felt Willow was now being viewed as a part of a duo instead of a lead character in her own right) and was kind of awful to Benson.

I did a guest star on Grey’s the year after Heigl left the show. The crew resoundingly hated her. Apparently, a total diva, and not in a good way. They joked about her several times during the course of my episode.

As a big Grey’s fan that followed this drama at the time; the whole ‘ghost’ storyline happened the season AFTER she bitched about the writers, the crew, and the show when she removed herself for Emmy consideration so it wasn’t part of why she was complaining.

The year she took herself of Emmy consideration was the

I loved the show Roswell as a kid/early teen and in an interview Heigl did she said she hated doing the show and wanted out, but she was under contract. So to rebel, she showed up late to work which is a shitty thing to do when there is a crew working there who isn’t making the same kind of money.

Some Trump fan shouted out with something like, “You lost! Trump for president!”

Oh get the fuck out of here. We are specifically talking about corn rows, not all braids. That has been repeated over and over again in these comments. And corn rows aren’t just a Black American thing, THEY ORIGINATED IN AFRICA. All of the African diaspora does hair in corn rows.

I know you’ve gotten a lot of answers already, but I also want to point out that cornrows and other black styles of braiding are what is called “protective styling,” and it is specifically meant for afro-textured hair. Our hair is dryer and more vulnerable to breakage than other types of hair. Braiding and locing (as

Some sources differentiate between cornrows (or the braiding method for cornrows, anyhow), and Dutch braids, and others don’t. This one shows slightly different methods: http://www.chocolatehairvanillacare.com/2011/01/differ…, whereas others don’t (but yeah, I know that’s a site by a white lady doing her adopted black

That’s because you can’t get fired, expelled, or profiled based on the natural texture of your hair, or for wearing hairstyles that were created by your people and that work with your type of hair. It isn’t that deep from your cultural perspective because it doesn’t happen to you at all and isn’t about your culture.

Thanks for explaining this! I feel dumb haha I mean I saw the pictures but somehow thought this debate was over braids in general. I get it now, and yea no Indian person I know corn rows their hair it's usually one or two thick braids. sorry ! :)

A specific type of braiding. Not sure where the boundary is, but I assume narrowly defined for cultural appropriation to apply*.

*IMO once you get broad enough to encompass the entire functional activity (as opposed to cosmetic aspects), no culture can lay claim to it.

Wait, what? This literally looks like a different person. That’s one hell of a makeover- kudos to the defense for doing their jobs brilliantly, I guess. What a scumbag.

Actually, I think he’s completely woke. It is a double standard. No woman or man should be subject to catcalling.