
Yes, but that is the weird part (okay it’s all weird) but you think if they had a larger plan, one that they needed pipe bombs for, they would have waited and gone threw with that plan not just flew off the handle and started shooting coworkers. Unless a co-worker found out about the larger plan and need to be

That's a good idea, but my plan is to barter the stuff I stockpile. Surely not everyone will (wisely) grab a diva cup at the beginning of the ZA, and then I can trade that ish for guns! I don't even wear contacts. Lol

here you go :)

Hundreds of kids WITH NO RECORDS had their lives destroyed!!! DESTROYED!!!!

Make sure you have several DivaCups; they’re only good for two years.

Can people stop freaking the fuck out about herpes? One in six Americans has genital herpes. It’s absurdly common, very treatable, and once on Valtrex, the vast majority of people with the disease have extremely rare outbreaks or even none at all after contracting it.

Why is Jesse not an option cuz her and both her kids can die she’s in the way of Richonne. Sam is an idiot and Ron tried to kill Carl.

You have obviously put all of your Ikea furniture together backwards. All of mine leans right. Get it together, Sweetie!

I agree there should have been a spoiler warning. I think this is always the case when the work exists in another medium that would give people who are fans of that medium advanced knowledge. TV viewers should be able and allowed to enjoy the show exclusively and be surprised, because comic book viewers got that

I really fucking hope that none of this is true. Otherwise you’re a really shitty person.

Tag your spoilers, it's just polite

I went to a Britney Concert circa the “Slave 4 U” years and it was awesome! I regret nothing!

I’m confused because I thought that Deanna was not bitten. The teeth-looking marks were from the gear she fell on at the solar panels. Maybe I’m wrong? I’ll watch again.

Is Daryl dead yet? Kill Daryl. You want to convince me you are this badass drama show that flouts all convention, kill someone that matters to the fanbase.

I fucking loved Britney Spears at her most fit and successful. Her dancing was so bad-ass....oh man, best videos ever. By 90s standard obvs.

I was too busy just eating everything out of the leftover containers to even take the time to make a sandwich.

Damn you! Now it’s all I can hear!

Now I can’t stop singing “Hello Kevin Federliiiiine!”


Justin Timberlake