Dr. M to the J, PhD

Bye bitch. 

Ok gamer. 

Dont make sexist jokes in Darksouls/Bloodborne via notes. Give fatal bad advice instead. Thats funnier!

Can’t wait for that next sales meeting call where some guy whines that Nintendo isn’t making enough mobile games.

No. As a trans person and a writer, I have to tell you just no. There is no excuse to let casual transphobia or other bigotry slide. If you are in a position of privilege and you can speak up and say, “Hey, that’s not cool” then do so. People do not learn if no one lets them know.

We don’t believe in voter suppression

Oh, sweet summer child.

writer: *list of reasons why something is transphobic*

The number one responsibility of a father is to embarrass their child as much as possible. Carry on, Alec.

fuck that. film the cops regardless.

. Have laughs together.

I just want to know what a 19-year-old woman and a 46-year-old man talk about.

Part of what’s weird about this is that the Japanese have their own older versions of their own language, and that’s what’s actually being used in the original Japanese versions of these games to invoke a sense of “Ye Olde Times”.

List of Legendary Power Ups: Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3, Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, Super Side Switch

Sorry Khaled but this franchise’s star goes down on her woman #lore

“Accidentally” 😉😉

I’ve created a handy chart: