
Have you seen the movie A Perfect Murder Dial M for Murder? It’s about a very rich Manhattanite (Michael Douglas Ray Milland) who hires a man to kill his wife (Gwyneth Paltrow Grace Kelly) after learning she’s been having an affair.

They straight up live next door to Tiffany’s. This is the equivalent of me handing Barack a gift from my bodega.

If there was any justice in this world, it would have been Trump’s tax returns in that box.

I cannot unsee this

Majorette chic?

The different shades of red are killing me. The whole ensemble is giving me anxiety.

The submissions about ghosts give me the fun kind of willies. The ones about actual people--those are the ones that stick with me when I’m walking home late at night.

This needs more stars. Soooo creepy!

I’d heard mumblings growing up of a strange incident involving my family and a famous murder, but my grandma refused to discuss it and I knew better than to ask around. After my great-aunt died and left behind 200 pages of memoirs, I finally got the full story.

What the fuck, Hamburger.

You probably got hit by some sort of griefing malware type situation. They were all the rage back in the day, and could do stuff like that. I can’t remember what it was called, but there was a piece of software that people used to install for fun and it could do that sort of stuff. I wish I could remember the name,

Say goodbye to productivity, Work Week!

My father grew up in Florida. His mother died when he was a teenager of lung cancer and in the fullness of time his father was remarried to the woman I would know as my grandmother.

She entered the marriage with a house that had been passed down to her in the middle of an old-growth orange grove. It was a classic old

My best friend Kevin, his girlfriend Sarah, and I were driving through a small, sparsely populated village in upstate New York, circa 1999. Often, as we’d see something from the window that caught our eye, we’d pull over and get out and explore. In this instance, we pulled over at the bottom of a hill around dusk to

While i was doing my degree, I had to do some fieldwork, and this entailed spending some time in a quaint UK village for a few weeks. The natives were quite welcoming and it made a nice change from normal coursework, so it was fine.

However, right away, I noticed the villagers were a bit odd about some things. For

YESSSSSSSS! Bring it on, ladies and gents! I get scared out of my damn mind reading these stories every year (and I’m quite glad I don’t have any of my own to share because I’m too much of a fraidy cat).