
And still ... “Coffee is the drink of the friends of God,” “Those who condemn coffee as causing man harm are fools in the eyes of God,” “Coffee flows through our body refreshing all that it touches; as freely as your life’s blood, look you at the youth and vigor of those who drink it,” and, “Whoever tastes coffee will

Bork, Bork, Bork!

Rock climber is? Or, more than one rock climber? (re: rock climber’s)

Bartender. Not just rude people, but rude, drunk people. The worst were the 20-somethings who were still, “learning to handle their liquor,” especially the moderately well-to-do or former frat boys. For me, it was a part-time gig, a way to gain additional income. For them, I was a, “servant,” who could be abused

As humans age, we first tend to lose some sense of smell, so food tastes bland to us. We also can lose sensation in our mouth and tongue ... rare, but it happens. Consider, too, that Americans have been forced to drink nasty, boiled swill called coffee until rather recently. So, for many seniors, unless it’s harsh,

Don’t know if it still does this, but there was an old-school Las Vegas casino downtown that offered a 99-cent shrimp cocktail. It was lots of tiny shrimp with enough sauce to make it taste okay. For 1.99, you could also get two eggs, hash browns, toast, and coffee. Get both, mix the shrimp into the eggs and hash

For $2500-ish? Perhaps. This was more like the Geo Tracker than anything else, but a bit more robust. Age matters and this one’s a little bit old for the asking price.

Once upon a time, when I was tending bar I had a customer who ordered a, “very, very, very dry martini.” In such cases, I would pour a little vermouth into the glass, swirl it around, and pour it out before adding the shaken or stirred gin or vodka. He seemed to approve, but for round two wanted it, “even drier.” The

“Maybe tons of people had no idea how that word was really spelled. What if scores of writers purposely dodged segue the way you might just reconstruct a sentence when you can’t figure out how to conjugate it correctly.”

“If you are activities ... ”

whine whine whine about the 500L. It’s clearly the latest PT cruiser, OMG we all have to hate it even if we never drove one (and those who have, clearly drove a broken one in Turkey and that just doesn’t count).

Another North-South route with options to continue into Canada: The Great River Road. My only recommendation for this is to start in New Orleans and end at Itasca State Park so you can eventually walk across the Mighty Mississippi where it's knee deep.

It also skips Meteor Crater, Winslow, and the Petrified Forest for starters in Arizona alone.

#5 misses soooo much! It hits the spots, "As seen on TV," and in practically every AAA, etc., tourist guidebook. This is a HUGE country with lots more to see than what shows up in the top 20 Google hits of, "Places to see in the U.S."

“At least, not yet.” Nice ending.

By the end, they got it together and it was the car it was meant to be. Too late, though.

“Back in the day,” when Subway first appeared, the food was fresh, the bread was freshly-baked, and the original, “Subway cut,” on the bread meant you could easily load up the ingredients. Then, as the 90s progressed, the bread was increasingly stale, the portions shrunk, and they stopped doing that magical V-cut in

You put fry sauce on fries. Ketchup? Please. Mustard is better on fries. Fry sauce belongs on fries. Even gravy is better on fries.

Got car service in Montreal in the late 90s by a man with a Fleetwood. He had supported his family owning and driving such cars and, upon his retirement, was planning a trip to California with a stop in Vegas to visit his daughter, who was a performer with whatever Cirque du Soleil show was running there. He said it

It works just fine. No weird rolling as mentioned in the article. I even tried to get my car to do that, but it won’t. I put it in drive, it goes forward. I put it in reverse, it goes backwards. I’ve done both on steep inclines in both directions and no surprises ... reverse goes in reverse and forward goes forward.