Married. To a woman. Big ol' dyke, actually. I blame learning how to change my own oil. Yep, that did it.
Married. To a woman. Big ol' dyke, actually. I blame learning how to change my own oil. Yep, that did it.
Stopped going to the nearest Jiffy Lube after they tried to sell me an air filter for $20 (which I had changed myself the previous week for $8) and they filled the washer fluid with plain water (while charging $2/gallon for it).
Yeah, except that our father taught us all (3 girls) how to change our own oil, how to change air filters, change a flat tire, check the fluids and tire air pressure monthly, and anything else we wanted to learn about cars beyond that. I learned to gap and replace spark plugs (Remember doing that? Or is everyone too…
Looks like an Imron paint job, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but for this much money one would hope for something more than Earl Scheib's least-pricey paint. Still, a sweet ride.