
A cursory review of any yahoo article leads me to believe that alot of people ‘support our troops’ only by thumbing their noses at those whom they deem to not support our troops ....

All the stars in the world to you, Mr Boyle. I teared up a little, too, when reading this - that pic says it all. Ive been a fan since the NYR-Philly HBO 24/7 for the winter classic a few years back. Note: not a fan during his BC days, because Go Crimson!

Existential question here: but would the Times’s piece & investigative efforts have existed if Jezebel’s work had not existed 1st?


Felgie is the worst of the worst (well, maybe except for Stevie a Smitty) - more hot takes than a mcdonalds drive thru

Good point - 2 caveats to the Brunell comparrison, both meant in jest and not to discredit the aptness of your comparrison:

& Pats backup QB

$3,200 bucks. Thats what he gave me. $3,200 bucks for a lifetime

I heard that the Dolphins were going to start doing it, but i heard it on yahoo ...

We live in an age of hyperbole and quick takes.

Back in the early aught’s (2000's), i started working on this really beautiful woman. She was with someone else at the time, but i was persistent - i moved on her like a bitch! I tried everything, like talking myself up - hell, i even took her furniture shopping. But alas, it was all for naught & she wouldnt let me

Excellent article, top to bottom. Well done.

This is my fault, I cursed him & take responsibility / feel guilt ...

None of these places compare to Papa Gino’s! Domino’s has gotten better.

Yes on point BUT ive seen the rest of the world taking it to task - especially here, so, worry not.

Diehard Brady fan here ... but this sounds eerily familiar to the BALCO beginnings & Victor Conte, what with the 72 essential minerals and all.

Man, Koyanni Qatsi gets more intense everytime i see it!!


+18-in-1 embiggenoning stars

Should have taken him straight to Hawkins Labs to see Dr. Brenner