
Definitely! You can play the remastered version now ;)

I agree with your other points, but what’s wrong with hyperspace ramming? We already accept quite a few things that are not exactly following physics, like the lightsabers. Why is it particularly bad that the hyperspace bullet-ship’s explosion didn’t engulf all of the fleet and scorch the planet?

I have an issue with how he disregards the beasts and shrine designs. For starters, the beasts were war machines. Do you look at modern military tank interiors and think “gee, same materials”? Of course not. They used the same materials because they wanted them made out of the best materials. Being built with the same

Lo único que he pedido es respeto y que se deje la gente de ser tan graciosa.

“People with occupations contribute to society. Their work is part of the social structure. Playing games contributes zero to the world.”

I find this idiot as annoying as everyone else, but really, “White boy shit”? Isn’t that a bit racist?

Continuas ignorando el punto principal de mi argumento, que es la elección. Esas personas que trabajan en condiciones precarias, de tener la elección, no trabajarían en condiciones precarias e inseguras. El chaval este que ha muerto tuvo la elección entre seguir en su trabajo como stuntman o hacer el simio en fachadas

well, it’s clear you have not read the comments around this article. Several people are bringing up arguments against looking at women unless they are at one of these “mating spaces”. Several others saying that going up to someone in a coffee shop and trying to do small talk is harassment. I’m not making this up, it’s

al final la gente se la juega todos los días por mucho menos y no veo a todos los bocazas aquí presentes ir por las obras a llamar idiotas a los trabajadores y decirles a los familiares cuando mueren que es por “selección natural” a modo de risa.

Vamos a ver, que en la parte que dicen que es de los mejores y le pagan y esta patrocinado ya lo tomo como un profesional

Seems to be cut from the same swath of men these days who pretend they’re not allowed to speak or look at women out of some phony fear of being perceived as a sexual predator

I don’t understand this “all lootboxes are the devil” thing. In a game like overwatch, were it is designed to be all about player skill and not about stats progression, how else would you provide progression to the player? Having randomized loot at the end of every X matches would be exactly the same as condensating

Nintendo 3DS ~67million units. Guess where their playerbase is at? Guess what they would chose between having another portable entry to the series vs a home console only entry to the series?

Yes, absolutely. Even when you don’t know for sure if someone is on “fast track”, I think people are suspicious. At least that’s my own fear, thinking about what my colleagues might think if I underperform. Fast track has introduced that into the workplace. No one would wonder if the latino (me) got hired to diversify

Says he’s never been discriminated against; took offense to someone recommending sources in various languages after he stated that he’s a Latino immigrant.

The worst part, is that we latino immigrants, who also get “positive discrimination” in workspaces with companies throwing themselves on the floor for that dank “diverse workspace” line in their company material, mostly see this stuff as insulting and not needed. Who the hell wants to get hired just because of their

And anyone is free to do so.

If you think racism is dead, police across the country do a fantastic job and definitely don’t target people, or that voter suppression is an issue we still face today, then you’re a white supremacist

I don’t think google will tell me how my life is hard because of my race. For starters, because I’ve never been discriminated against.