
3D movies are very different from VR. 3D movies polarize light in a way that even moving your glasses can make the effect go away. VR is just individual screens in front of your eyes with no light polarization. People with low stereoscopic vision will experience VR with minor setbacks easily fixable by having an

I spent 500€ on my PC 2 years ago and play OW on better graphics than a PS4 can do (med/high settings 1080p@60fps.

Not that guy, but my 400€ 2014PC runs current titles on medium quality with all ram-dependent settings on high. It definitely runs Overwatch better than the PS4. My setup:

I still don’t understand what is your point. How does almost infinitesimal set of people not being able to use a certain technology become a point against it? You are talking as if colorblinds being able to use regular color screens are a big/relevant reason why the technology became popular.

Internet being convenient

when it doesn’t actually add that much universally to the product.

There are more colorblind people than people with low stereoscopic/no stereoscopic vision.

“there are so many things wrong with television. The most obvious of which is that it requires you to have a box in your living room, taking up space”

I don’t care about VR at all and never will.

It actually is. You are dismissing an emerging technology with great potential as a passing trend.

Calling VR a fad is the current equivalent of calling color TV and computers “a fad”...

People who are considering buying a PS4 console now will be able to choose whether they want the current model or to wait for the 4.5. There’s no harm in that.

I didn’t know NMS would be out on PC :D

I’m also on the fence. I was wondering if the Destiny: Rise of Iron reveal would result in another exclusive PS4, and I was going to pick it up so that my gf and I could play at the same time. Now that the 4.5 has been “confirmed”, I’m not sure if this is a good idea.

.In reality its no different than a slim model

I was looking to get a PS4 to play Destiny since Rise of Iron is ps4 only, but the Neo is making it really hard for me to decide on it. This expansion will make many destiny players want to get a ps4, and having the Neo just around the corner sucks big time. I hope it’s out by the time Rise comes out.

Not being an annual iteration does not make it a iphone 5 to 7 equivalent. It is a revision within the same generation, so iPhone X to iPhone Xs is still the better comparison.

GTX 750 Ti user here, bought it 2 years ago for 115€. My rig runs overwatch on medium settings @60-55fps, which seems to be higher than what the PS4 does.ª

The PS4 Neo upgrade is basically what you’d get when you upgraded your PC’s GPU – even the cost is (presumably) the same, maybe even a bit in favor of the PS4 Neo.

Obviously not with any other product, what sense would it make to compare a price history of a AAA title with a Petz title?