
I’ll save you time and me money: Unless you control every step of the way an item is generated, you can’t prevent someone creating hacked items/modifying them. If everything goes on in your customer’s PC/console it’s just a matter of time until someone with the right skills and free time cracks your egg basket and

Go on ahead and propose a method to prevent hacked items from a game with no server-sided item generation.

I think it’s a decent price to pay to make sure the game has no possibility of being hacked. There is literally nothing you can do about hacking if the item generation is not done server-side.

I’d love to see your proposal on how to prevent hacked items from coming to multiplayer in a game that allows offline play and progression.

Usan el mismo motor de Skyrim, un juego de 5 años de antigüedad. Los graficos son horribles comparado con lo que podrían haber hecho en 5 años con un motor nuevo.

Lo siento, que sea reconocida no significa que a la gente le tenga que gustar, ni que a muchos no les pueda parecer estúpida. Si vamos por reconocimiento, hay que sacar a la luz el reconocimiento de la mierda de artista, y de el estudio realizado en el que tachaban cuadros hechos por chimpances o elefantes como

I can’t understand why they can’t seem to hit the price point though. I have a VERY cheap machine I was forced to put together last summer because my laptop almost literally caught on fire. I only had 400€ at the time, built around an FX6300 and GTX 750 OC 2GB. This thing performs as well as my friend’s PS4. I dunno

It would be possible if we were talking about decent developers that build a game with expandability (is that a word? non-native english speaker here) in mind. Everything *should* be logged and could that way be retrieved for sandboxing a bugged game.

Tiene un poco menos de latencia de Airdroid.

there is no reason the games shouldn of come.

“Also, what was this Ezreal building that he was able to take LeBlanc down from literally half hp? Yes, yes, she’s a squishy, but come on!”

You can complain and be a whiny naive child, but you don’t actually have any right to change it.

Just because they can terminate your account without previous notice, warning or even an email, does not mean they should. Just as actual sports announce the rules and terms under which the players must abide for a whole season before the season starts, Riot should not introduce a harsh ruling that could have helped

There is a difference between “listening” to player feedback and tweaking gameplay, than angrily mobbing up and petitioning a company to do what you say because you simply believe it to be correct.

Plenty of athletes have had medals, titles, etc stripped for violating the rules or nature of the game.

Definitely not without screwing more people in the meantime. Low priority queue rankeds does not mean “a well controlled environment”, it just means Riot imposes an obligatory 20 minute wait to join the ranked queue on your account. You are not getting matched with other toxic players, you are just held at the gate

Dude, how old are you? No, I mean this as honestly as I can, how old are you. Because your grasp of how things work is absolutely childish.

And this thing they are doing will have the exact opposite effect. Soon, thousands of toxic players will suddenly have nothing to lose by trolling your ranked games since they already can’t win the rewards.

Es una decision de diseño hecha a posta, alguna justificación será. Estamos hablando de una compañía que eligió el tono exacto de azul del pasado logo porque las estadísticas mostraban que era el azul que más clickeaba la gente, a pesar de que el departamento gráfico quería otro azul.

El capitan es relevado por el capitan práctico en cuanto va a atracar.