
Neither you nor anyone with more than couple of neurons inside their heads. Who would ever buy a console that needs daily internet connection? A console where you can't buy a used game or sell your old games to get new ones?

@Mr. John: Yeah, no contingency plan can hold the wrath of the thousands that will try to

No comprendo porque la gente valora un aparato electrónico por su capacidad a sufrir cientos de caidas. Tuve el 3GS, aún lo tengo. No se me ha caido ni una sola vez. Porque no lo uso? Porque me lo dejé en el coche una vez que fuí a esquiar y cayó un peñazco de roca encima del coche, se rompieron las ventanas y la

Es exactamente el mismo numero de clicks, solo con íconos más grandes. Eso no es engorroso. Que no te guste el diseño es otra cosa, pero no puedes tachar de engorroso y no óptimo algo funcionalmente idéntico a un diseño pasado solo por una discrepancia de gusto estético.

la diferencia de 8 GB no es mucho. La diferencia es que el modelo de 64 GB de esa generación era más delgado que el modelo de 16 GB de la generacion pasada. Claro, son céntimos de diferencia. Lo diferente es que hace un año esos mismos materiales no costaban eso, eran mucho más caros al no ser producidos en masa al no

Estás muy equivocado. Cuando se reducen costes de manufacturación, no se vende lo mismo, por lo menos en buenas empresas. Se pasa a utilizar materiales de calidad o prestaciones superiores. Ejemplo, si se reducen los costes de fabricacion de componentes de un movil, no significa que costará menos, significa que se

Puedes cambiar los iconos perfectamente. Entrar y salir de que, darle al boton windows y escribir lo que quieres es igual de rápido que antes. No veo donde está el engorro.

y porque no te haces tu propia seccion de apps que más usas en la pantalla de inicio? No veo ningún inconveniente, puedes tener lo que quieras ahí.

Capturar el sonido es lo único factible. Aunque tengas las adress de los paquetes que interceptes, piensa que no tienes las llaves que te pedirá el servidor cuando intentes acceder a los archivos, y la llave es de uso "unico" es decir, una llave generada te vale para una sesion de streaming.

Tiene que Apple siempre ha sido muy buena a la hora de no permitir que snoopers de red pudieran ver que enlazes eran los del stream, por lo tanto imposible descargarlos, sin mencionar que aunque se tuvieran los enlaces, los archivos venian ya con DRM. Esto es un error puntual.

spinoffs do not count as main entries of the series. They want to keep one of the most core components of the game, I don't see them changing that. You can do a big pokemon game on portables just as well as on consoles.

Then you werent listening. Everyone, and i mean everyone, was bitching about it. From critics to "game devs" (meaning PR idiots who know jack shit about this stuff). Every console has its low when released. It is just ridiculous the Wii U is doing better than what the PS3 and 360 did in 2 years time, and EA is calling

a metroid? corruption, Wii generation, other M, wii generation. Wii has demonstrated that graphical power has nothing to do with game quality. Out of last gen's (wii, ps3, 360) top 20 games, more than a half are from the Wii. I'd rather buy a console with tons of AAA titles because devs focus on the actual game

Oh, yeah. I remember that. The same guys who said the 3DS was nintendo's biggest flop when it came out? Yeah, it is selling rock solid now. People with years on industry experience have no fucking idea when it comes to knowing what hidden potentials a console has. The wii u will lift off as soon as Nintendo outs their

Nintendo has already explained in the past why they don't get a main pokemon entry on a home console, it beats Pokemon's core facets: POCKET monsters. For a game with such continuous and long process of level grindings, there is no way in hell big decisions gameplay-wise would have to be made for it to be viable on a

Fennekin's 3rd MUST be much sexier than that.

So i'm guessing you aren't going to android, then, as it has capacitative buttons too, just as it seems to be this ipad's case. Are you implying that the only reason you liked the ipad was that it had a home button? that's a little idiotic, considering that you only press it so much.

the icons have too little space in between each other to be in landscape.

Yes multi-touch has been around since the 80s, but please, name ONE device with a comfortable multitouch interface pre iPhone. Also, please give me the name responsive multitouch trackpad (laptop, standalone, whatever) up to TODAY that beats a macbook pro's multitouch trackpad. Now THAT's a great ride.

God help you when your 1 year old phone can't run an app because it just doesn't have the specs, and it stops receiving frequent or major firmware upgrades.

I'm educated. I own both, an android and an iOS device. I prefer my iPod touch (last year's) to my HTC Wildfire (this year). They are both the same price, yet my iPod is able to run EVERY app on the app store. My HTC can't run lots of apps out of the box, not mentioning that you can't install half of the apps on the