
Not to worry son, Thule and Yakima understands your concerns and have engineered a wealth of modular Hooker storage systems.

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I know Yugo enjoyed some degree of “success” in SCCA in the 80's. Of course, by success, I mean to say that not everyone who raced one died as a result. But nevertheless, this is a prime-above-prime example of rarity not constituting worth.


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Obviously, SOMEBODY thought all of this was a good idea. I have deep concerns about that person.

Nobody but a seal getting blown likes a blown seal.

I’d rather be seen in it the way it sits now than in that #61 Stancy-Pants.

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How about a fully functioning scale model of the 312PB (including a working, scaled down version of the same flat 12)?

Go Lincoln High!

I just purchase my cars on credit cards, then I balance transfer the amount back and forth for awhile, when that stops working I take out payday loans to cover the credit card payments... then I sell plasma, sperm and superfluous organs to pay off the payday loans. As of right now I only owe $75,000 on a 2005 Hummer

Former NASCAR driver Dave Marcis wore wingtips when he drove. It was the one thing he refused to compromise on. He claimed they were better at absorbing heat.

“Chucklefuck” is a fun word.

He should drive it to every Corvette club meeting and watch all those diaper rubbing chucklefucks have a heart attack that a Corvette has more than four numbers displayed on the odometer.

Nicely done. So what if it’s running a little rough? That car has been through 700k on the same engine. It has seen some shit. If it was a person, it would have been a military veteran, very much deserving of a few rounds of drinks and a properly cooked steak.

I’d just buy a Camry, or accord or literally anything else. The interior sucks. It’s lame to drive. And it’s a waste of an awesome nameplate. Good thing they stopped making it.

How about: “D IN Mi A55 3x”

wonder if the drive train from a Raptor would be a direct fit...

I’m not even a truck guy, but I want this to become a reality when I saw this.

Concept vs reality lol

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It’s impossible to miss shifts. That’s kinda the whole point of a gated shifter. The bolt-action rifle sounding snick-snick from the shift lever hitting the gates when changing gears is just orgasmic. 10/10.