
Please say it ain’t so! The facial recognition in Picasa was second to none, and the way it allowed you to organize and find photos has no equal. I shouldn’t be surprised. Google has been degrading features in it for a while now. I was most upset when the removed the feature that allowed you to pick a photo to

Yeah... I’m managing over 20,000 photos in Picasa. I don’t intend to stop using it just because it isn’t supported, but long-term I need a suitable replacement.

Remember, Google is a data company first and a software company second. Picasa must not be producing the quality and volume of data they want so they are pulling the plug and pushing people to a platform that will yield better data. You are just a product to them and your only value to them is the data you give them.

They can’t scan your pictures and make $ off the data if they’re in your computer :)

I don’t WANT my photos in the cloud — especially Google’s cloud. I don’t want random people looking at my children, or where we vacation, or when we go.

Picasa does so many cool things you just cant get elsewhere - The face movie is something I use for every single one of my kids’ birthdays.

Agreed. Get it going. Picasa was the bees knees and his elbows in my opinion.

The Google Photo’s editor is shit. It USED to be good in Google+, however they’ve now deprecated that and now all your tools consist of is a few basic filters, cropping, “pop” and vignette. There’s far more in Snapseed, but I find editing Photos on a 5.5" screen a PIA. It’s OK for quick edits, I guess. The Picasa

Ok Lifehacker. Time for a “Picasa Replacement Top 5" article!

Look, I’m no conspiracy theorist/privacy freak, but to say that Google is giving away a product for “free” is inaccurate. It’s simply a case of us users paying with a currency other than money. We pay with our information, and Google has used that information to become the most valuable company in the world. If you

For what? For giving us an awesome product for free for years? I love Picasa. I’m sad to see it go. But I have no problem saying, “Hey, Google, thanks for giving me a pretty awesome photo editor for all that time. Although, it’d been nice if you had ever restored the private gallery function.”

Nope. Google doesn’t have, and presumably doesn’t want, a desktop app for Google Photos.

My suggestion, depending on how much and what kind of editing they need to do, is to use Irfanview. It is lightweight and fast, and can do basic edits (crop, resize, brightness, contrast, gamma, etc), and can batch some of them if,

I’m currently uploading 130GB. Roughly 20% done, heading into day 2.

God forbid I try to learn from someone else’s experiences before risking my photo collection.

They don’t appear to. I’m not giving up Picasa yet until more of the features migrate. Plus then I still want the local copies to be organized.

Can we talk just for a second how insane the “places” feature is? I just assumed that it uses geolocation to determine where the picture was taken, no big deal. But... NO! We have a giant aerial photo of the New York City skyline on our wall and inevitably we end up taking some family photos in front of it. Google

Hey, how about a desktop app for those of us that simply don’t want to use the cloud but would like some sorting.