
Please say it ain’t so! The facial recognition in Picasa was second to none, and the way it allowed you to organize and find photos has no equal. I shouldn’t be surprised. Google has been degrading features in it for a while now. I was most upset when the removed the feature that allowed you to pick a photo to

Yeah... I’m managing over 20,000 photos in Picasa. I don’t intend to stop using it just because it isn’t supported, but long-term I need a suitable replacement.

I don’t WANT my photos in the cloud — especially Google’s cloud. I don’t want random people looking at my children, or where we vacation, or when we go.

Picasa does so many cool things you just cant get elsewhere - The face movie is something I use for every single one of my kids’ birthdays.

Agreed. Get it going. Picasa was the bees knees and his elbows in my opinion.

The Google Photo’s editor is shit. It USED to be good in Google+, however they’ve now deprecated that and now all your tools consist of is a few basic filters, cropping, “pop” and vignette. There’s far more in Snapseed, but I find editing Photos on a 5.5" screen a PIA. It’s OK for quick edits, I guess. The Picasa

Ok Lifehacker. Time for a “Picasa Replacement Top 5" article!