
Torrey Smith is waving his hands like he knows the answer to your question!

A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.

Careful, Tom. Sherman will threaten to ruin your career if you keep posting this sort of thing.

To be fair, he has a competitive advantage when the ball enters his gravity well.

Oh goodness, not a *word*! Time to wring our hands about this for four years and sow division among progressives while Trump’s appointments and Republicans in congress ramp up voter suppression, continue gerrymandering all African-Americans into one district per state, and decrease police accountability. Was it really

What a shame.. He didn’t even take advantage of the buy 5 get 1 free deal.

The Trump administration is confident they will get a favorable ruling.

I don’t think even Pete Carroll would buy into this conspiracy theory.

It belongs in a museum!

He knew too much about Tom Brady’s deflated balls. Study it out, people!

“Ain’t no rules says a dog can’t win a bike race”

Fortunately for the Raiders, there is a minor league baseball team in Las Vegas that they can share a stadium with.

But.. but.. What if she has e-mails? Or they’re “both the exact same”? Or my preferred primary candidate didn’t win and the nominee only agrees with 75% of what I want? Or Jill Stein is running and I just have to make a “statement” vote? Or...

I think most people either believe the English VAs in the modern Tales games are fine or just unacceptable. There doesn’t seem to be much middle ground, but considering the series is pretty niche to begin with probably not that surprising. The Tales game localizations that I can think of where you can objectively say

Baylor narrowly dodged a bullet with this guy.

At least the reporter escaped without having his eyes gouged. More than Ryan Schraeder can say...

You’re right. I bet some people even think that they could find some asshole who exists entirely in a world of blasting out 140 character shit-pellets, look at these documents, declare they have “good friends” who have said there is merit, and then go on to continuously perpetuate this unsubstantiated claim, demand

In other news, the Bills today announced construction of a new team clinic in Aleppo for Tyrod to perform his rehab.

Yep, you figured it out. I’m just a false flag Hillary crisis actor who pretended to vote for the more liberal, but losing, candidate so I can brag about it on Deadspin. So because Trump got so much airtime and Bernie didn’t, that means what exactly? You know, other than the media preferring an attention whoring clown