
Jet fuel cannot melt uprights.

94 Million guaranteed?

Can we set up a debate between him and IK Enemkpali?

I like that.

You could say it was a controlled demolition.

So to put this punishment in terms Mayfield will understand:

Perhaps Luck should skip Europe and head straight for Kamar-Taj.

This speech still turned out better than his first draft, “Fuck them right in the W”.

It’s good to know Ray Rice was able to find a new career.

Ryan Mallett was refusing to hand over the Ravens playbook?

Good for him. Unfortunately, he’s also managed to drive a franchise into the ground, chase away the most talented coach they’ve had in years, and relocate the team into a fucking oven that’s not even in SF.

I prefer Bill’s explanation.

How about just playing the game after the regular season? Because, well, you know...

On the plus side, it did provide for a funny bit in an SNL skit.

Bills two months later:

Carroll’s “Tell the Truth Monday” must get really interesting whenever the topic of steel beams comes up.

Bah gawd King, that’s Colin Kaepernick’s music!

Don’t you think we should ask for more than $20,000? That isn’t exactly a lot of money these days.

He’s just biased due to their chemistry. I mean, Sherman has been one of Kaep’s favorite targets through his time at SF.