
I do wish Jezebel would stop perpetuating the myth that universal health care in socialist economy countries is the end-all be-all of health care. Quite simply, it is NOT. Perhaps it's because no one writing these articles has ever actually experienced it or that you think every country with socialized medicine is

Good God, he saved an abused dog? He went over there to personally rescue a dog who had been trapped in a crate for four days? I LOVE YOU CORY BOOKER!!! That is what setting a good example is! A person who is good to animals is a good person.

THIS. This is absolutely the problem. I'm happy that kids are recognized as a valid outside-of-work commitment (I mean, they're not going to drive themselves home from school), but why is going to your kid's soccer game deemed more important than playing in a rec league soccer game of your own?

This is absolutely, 100% the culture in my (very female dominated, "women friendly") office. The women (not the men, though!) with families leave right at 5pm, and no one bats an eye. Those of us who are childless, or male, could NEVER get away with leaving at 5 unless there was a very rare slow day. And the only

*looks around at child-free home*

Yeah, what they're really saying is "I didn't plan for my child's basic needs, so now everyone must suffer." It almost bothers me more when I see a parent flip out on their kid when it's obvious that the kid is just overwhelmed/exhausted/hungry/otherwise off their fucking rocker the way children get at the drop of a

I am really afraid I might make myself unpopular, but I seriously cannot stand it when parents excuse away their child's ridiculous behavior by saying 'oh, she/he's tired...' I mean, yes, kids get tired and throw fits. That doesn't excuse you NOT DOING ANYTHING when they clock you across the jaw, start hitting

I am a nanny (extension of career in education, great day job, great money, etc.), and I can tell you why most parents won't admit their kids are assholes. It is because 19 times out of 20, it is the parents' fault. Occasionally, an asshole is born, and good parenting can mitigate that situation somewhat. Usually, it

I want a Million Woman March, and I want it now. Who's with me?

That is quite literally the complete opposite of my news feed. Everybody is praising Wendy and the other Democrats of the Texas Senate, and are rejoicing at the downfall of DOMA.

As a Texan, let me say that I think we deserve some scorn. We, as a group, voted these chucklefucks in. And despite this catastrophe, I'm not hopeful that we can vote a great many of them out. So we're partially responsible for this. That's how representative democracy works.

I think it's fine to dislike prostitution, but at least be honest and up front about it. Which you were.

Firstly, Sallie Mae is INCREDIBLY flexible with student loan repayment terms. You can basically lower the payments to a tiny percentage of your income for the early years after college. I paid close to nothing on my loans my first few years.

I just find this offensive because it removes all of these young women's agency and makes them into "victims" because it fits an anti-prostitution paradigm.

OK, so... I'm skeptical. Do these women really need the money to pay for tuition, or are they doing it because it's lucrative and that's a "morally acceptable" way to justify prostitution?

People love to make idiotic statements about weddings as if they're carved-in-stone facts. I'll never forget the time my mother-in-law looked me directly in the eye and stated that "weddings are about the mothers, not about the bride" as if she was informing me that water is wet and the sky is blue.

If people want to make money at a wedding, look up something called the money dance....extremely embarrassing for all involved. The bride dances alone and guys (and girls) come up and dance with her, putting cash in her "money pouch"... The groom can do one as well. When did weddings become about the gifts and money?

If they're hurting for money why choose a $100/plate venue? And expect your guests to be able to afford to cover your costs so you can upgrade your kitchen? BAH!

I'm flabbergasted. The whole wedding gift concept started because starting a household from scratch is hella expensive. But these days people co-habitate, or have their own apartments/homes before marriage so they usually already have all the shit they need. Not that I'm anti-gift or something but fuck, this sense of

What disturbs me is how the comments section in other stories about this are people being kind of middle of the road about it when the brides were CLEARLY being amazeballs levels of rude.