"I say this as a proud liberal: Stop making up phony outrages."
"I say this as a proud liberal: Stop making up phony outrages."
Are the superpowers really worth it?
He'd be a Manic Pixie Dream Guy, if girls were into that sort of thing.
Better save those pennies, they're handmade.
"West is also the father of Iris, Barry’s initial love interest."
Could be worse, could be this sort of Turnerization…
I guess it's fair, since Gotham already got one..
But unlike New Coke, HIMYM won't be around forever.
It was more fun when folks would pelt the band with Kraft Dinner, I grant you that.
Hell, R.E.M. hates "Shiny Happy People"!
How DARE Grimm portray military contractors as degenerate power-mad assholes! That's like portraying black people in gangs…
Yeah, without Halo or Mass Effect questions, this seems a bit thin :/
Here, have an internet.
Aren't Brunette Gillian Jacobs and Anne Hathaway the same thing?
And _Frailty_.
Naah, there's the new one in IMAX, kind of a Russian _300_.
Did _Stalingrad_ get a release in the US and I just missed it?
Which one was the better lay?