

Did Disqus write this for you?

Because he's a normal human being who doesn't edit himself for correctness in a conversation. Get over yourself.

So when will they show Skrillex unplugged?

Don't dogs who taste human flesh have to be put down? I'd hate to think that all of Will's furry pals (save the one at the door) get killed because of Verger..

Mmmm.. Turtle power!

Leading to that classic Satchmo tune, covered by a certain Clan many years later, "Protect Your Neck!"

Looking at that picture, I want to see him in a Lovecraft Mythos movie (or series).

Parmesan coke.

Indeed.. Weren't there similar complaints about Stephen Amell back in S1? How'd HE turn out?


"My friend bet me that I couldn't get more than 3 words out of you Mr. President. What do you have to say to that?"

Neat, but this idea seems a bit Mengele-y.

So this isn't just a YA version of _A Knight's Tale_?

Cool beans!

Very Men In Blacky!

Indeed, I always wondered what it would have looked like if Humperdink won…

Laplink ftw.

Once again, HOLY CRAP GOD MODE!!!

Wait, they still make X-Men movies? I quit after that stinkburger X3 and its Mercedes ad on the Golden Gate Bridge. Didn't they kill all the X-Men off at the end of that?