I like the DJ Hero mix with the Jackson 5.
I like the DJ Hero mix with the Jackson 5.
The avoidance of R-rated gore by dervishly whipping the goddamn camera around constantly really got on my nerves. Film also didn't have the sense of gallows-laughable governmental incompetence that I liked in the book.
So, no Michael J. Fox cameos?
I wonder what Channing Tatum had on his 'Won't Do' card.
I like to think that this movie is kind of a side-quel to _Cabin in the Woods_.
Sounds like Channing Tatum's a mensch.
The studio's motivation, if the extra features on my HDDVD are to be believed, was to launch the Wonka brand of candies for Quaker Oats.
Why is this guy not a big bad from Lexington in _Justified_?
Not to speak ill of the dead, but I'm still annoyed with the review Ebert gave for _Team America_.
Greased Lightning indeed!
_Shoot Em Up_.
Hannibal is genre Sci Fi? Is there some twist coming up we should be aware of?
You need to diversify your bonds, nigga.
And rightfully so, I bet it still owes child support…
What's wrong with bootblackin'? I like it very much.
I agree with that.