Dr. Kanan

Most of the time the launch goes flawlessly. It’s the landing (a totally new thing that nobody has done) that they’re still working on. And to be fair, they’ve gotten really close to sticking the landing, and the last two times it failed, it was for different reasons.

Three purposes for imprisonment:

“ Given that Hunt has supervised hundreds of scientists over the past 40 years, and held positions that gave him the power to make or break a scientist’s career, this was a troubling statement to say the least. “

Nah, that’s exactly what she’s saying. It was fine for the shame cycle to end his career, what wasn’t fine was when people started saying “Hey, hold on, that’s an overreaction” which is certainly an arguable position - it’s not like the man is ineducable. He’s a guy who made a stupid joke, he’s not a dog that mauled a

“We need to get out of the shame-spiral… well, we can spiral a little… only until it gets to the exact resolution I believe in.”

But if nobody hashes out the highly interesting details, none of what you want will ever happen.

Erasmus Darwin deserves to be better known than just as Charles Darwin’s grandfather. He was a prominent activist in the abolitionist movement that eventually outlawed slavery in Britain and the Colonies. He invented what is now known as the Ackermann linkage which steers your car around corners without the tyres

“this is what people mean when they say you only use 10% of your brain”

Willow & Tara. Never had the spark of Willow & Oz.

And once again we’re going to get some huge ban that is going to get in the way of rational minds doing useful work because of a panic.

It’s time to accept what kind of show this is.

John, you say you never had to put a scene like that in your novels. Fine. I doubt you really had a narrative similar to GRRM’s. He doesn’t casually insert violence of any sort into the plot. GRRM to me at least seems to throw in the awful crap that would actually happen in medieval times. People were fucking awful.

I’m sort of amazed that people seem surprised he raped her. Once she agreed to marry him, we all knew (or should have) that he’d either rape her or something dramatic would happen to forestall the wedding. There were no other narrative options. And they telegraphed that the marriage was happening when she said goodbye

That Tyrion never consummated the marriage with or without her consent was down to Tyrion being his good self and a lot of luck on Sansa’s part. Expecting her to go through another marriage and not have sex would strain credulity. And as for the rape itself they handled it really well by not lingering too long on

She knew what she was getting herself into. This is a long game. Was it brutal? Yes. But it wasn’t “rapey.” And they didn’t do it for shock value. If they did, we would have been forced to watch Sansa’s face (like in “Last House on the Left”), not Theon’s.

Wildstar blows.

This week, Arrow executive producer Marc Guggenheim engaged in a panel about topics related to his CW drama along with Marvel shows like Agent Carter. In the extensive interview piece, THR revealed that it was actually written into Greg Berlanti’s deal that Supergirl is able to cross over with The Flash or Arrow.

The Sword of Shannara. Loved it as a kid, but trying to re-read it as an adult had me setting it aside before the end of the first chapter. Just felt so stilted and poorly written.

I can’t get past the fact they are keeping people in prison forever without due process. This is Lex-Luthor-Evil.

“Worker bees are mindless, cooperative drones”