Dr. Kanan

Fantastic game! It was one of those games I picked up on a whim, and I wasn’t disappointed. Sure, some might say it’s a poor mans Yakuza, but it definitely stands on its own. 9 bucks is chump change, too.

Fantastic game! It was one of those games I picked up on a whim, and I wasn’t disappointed. Sure, some might say

Did they ever resolve how Ethan ended up with Origami in his pocket, which seemed to be the whole reason he was being suspected in the first place (and which made very little sense given the twist)?

I love your grandfather.

Patricia: Yeah, there was more Tony Stark than I was expecting. I feel like I’m at a saturation point with him, though I understand why they did it.

Takes lots of time =/= People want to hear you complain how hard your life is.

I’m gonna be honest... it’s really hard to feel bad that the guys playing video games for a living don’t get a summer vacation.

You know, maybe it’s just that my bar is set so low for network TV quality, but with the exceptions of the reboots, prequels and the cop and medical shows, I at least appreciated that people were trying to bring some original ideas to the table. It feels like all that get produced on the major networks is a

And the Apache Helicopter crew that killed those Reuters journalists are *murderers*. I guess the public shouldn’t know when it’s government sanctions the murder of journalists.

White/ Asian woman unless I’m misreading the article. I think the one who says he proposed twice was Sheila, who is Dutch and Japanese.

This is why trademarks over common words are stupid :|

What does that have to do with a newspaper digging into his past?

Where’s your proof that Twitch or YouTube streaming an entire game drives sales do you have market data to back that up or is it just assumptions on your end? It sounds like you’re just presenting your opionion as fact.

I mean, it sounds a little harsh, but I get it. Persona is a linear single player RPG.
You have choices in your schedule, but the overarching story beats, the twists, and surprises are all the same every time. If someone can simply watch the entire story unfold on YouTube, or Twitch, etc, then what incentive do they

This is a joke, right? No series of the last two generations has been more influential and important to the direction video games have gone than Dark Souls. Things people are congratulating Breath of the Wild for are things that have been a staple in Dark Souls since the get go. Everything is deliberate and has

Any particular reason, since I think III was the best of the bunch so far... there will be more don’t kid yourself.

I am totally bummed the series is at an end. Honestly these have been some of the best games ever created in my opinion. The least they could do is remaster Demon Souls and Dark Souls 1 as a true send off...


Remember when gas/oil prices went up really high and flight prices skyrocketed because of it? And they crammed more seats on planes and charged us heavy fees for bags? Then fuel/oil prices dropped drastically and the flight prices never went down and fees never went away? Fuck everything about the airlines.

This isn’t cosplay. It’s people in their underwear who found a box of hair dye.

A lot of cosplay nowadays seems like it’s just filling the void from the lack of booth girls