Dr. John Smith

Totally with you on this. When the writers started pushing Joey and Rachel together, I thought, "This makes sense." Goodness knows that however much I was shipping Ross and Rachel in Season Two, I was completely over them by the end of the series. They had proved time and time again that neither of them was the

Besides, which is more of a problem: a couple of extra planets, or a "converter" creature who breaks so many laws of physics that it should spend decades in Science Jail?

And this.

I enjoyed Delevigne's performance; lots of eye-rolling and generally not-taking-this-shit. (And it must be said: she is so very pretty.) I found DeHaan weak, but even he had his moments.

Considering that your initial response was literally "lol wut," yes, you were the dick here.

Fine. You f**king win. I hated the book. The book was s**t. I award you the AV Club Unnecessary Douchebag Award for pointing out how wrong I was for enjoying a f**king book.

My take of "Armada" was that it was truly guilty of the complaints typically lodged against "Ready Player One": the nerd wish-fulfillment and the unexplained pop culture references. It's been years since I read RPO, but my recollection is that much of the pop culture stuff was integrated into the various in-game

The type of Doctor from which I took my name has all the time he/she needs.

That is one awesome rebuttal. You must've spent hours crafting it.

I don't get the backlash. This was one of the rare instances in which I plowed through a book in one extended sitting. The pop culture stuff was fun—I was born in '64, so the '80s references were bang on target for me—but I was engaged by the contest and rooting for the good guys.

Jax-Ur was arguably the most prominent of the Phantom Zone villains prior to "Superman II." My suspicion is that General Zod got the nod instead because he had the cooler name.

Thanks for the reminder about Jesse having moved to Earth-3. I kept thinking that the writers had pulled a Bob Haney and forgotten which world of the Multiverse was which.

I kinda hope that Ronnie is Savitar, if only because that means he isn't Evil Further Future Barry or Evil Time Remnant Barry,

I don't know what's wrong with me, because I loved the hell out of this episode. I thought that Abra Kadabra was right up there with Captain Cold, Heat Wave and Reverse Flash as one of the series' most successful translations of a classic Rogues' Gallery member. They played up his stage magic shtick throughout,

I have to admit having some unwholesome thoughts about Genevieve and Paige Davis. And Laurie. And Amy Wynn. What I am saying is that I was not necessarily watching for the design work.

The complaints had more to do with the knowledge that there were more deleted scenes out there. A couple of them (Chewie ripping off an alien's arm; Leia sending her representative to the New Republic capitol) subsequently appeared on a double-dip Blu-Ray release. There are still more, as yet unseen; for example, Maz

I'm not sure that the "Ferris Bueller" scene qualifies for a list of little-known post-credits scenes.

It's doubly confusing because he's a good guy in DC's comics. He was introduced back in the old Super Friends tie-in comic as one of a group of international heroes later dubbed the Global Guardians. Last week's guest hero Olympian was another GG member.

Not forgotten here either. I sputtered "But what about M.A.N.T.I.S.?!?"

"Signs" is the movie that put me off M. Night until "Split." It wasn't just that water-soluble aliens invaded a planet that was two-third covered in water, and didn't think to pack environment suits, it was the "everything happens for a reason" b.s. that justified a woman being cut in half by a car accident just so