Dr. J Mascis


It’s a crappy excuse but it's worth it for Talib to give it a shot or two and if that fails he can hand it off to his mom to get in a few shots.

Garbage Human Being Releases Statement Supporting Other Garbage Human Being

Williams would excel on the Caddy Mandingo fighting circuit.

For fuck’s sake, the dude didn't say he knew what it was like to be a slave. He made a joke about his own states racist history. Chill. It's only Kinja.

The correct answer is Zeppelin’s Immigrant Song

Can't wait until the Bears draft him in the 3rd round.

A) I’m pretty sure I’m in real life right now. Not sure what dimension you’re in.

Cute. Now, where's the bashing part?

Show me the part of the article that “bashes” Manziel or stfu.

There's always the Knicks.

To be fair, all of Winston’s INTs looked very pro-style.