
That is the perfect gif for this news. Well done.

As a kid, whenever we’d run out of one box of cereal, we would fill up the rest of the bowl with another type. I’ve made some interesting combinations in my time.

There will never be a better cereal than this.

Is this one bluetooth compatible for use with a PS3?

Is this one bluetooth compatible for use with a PS3?

*high five*

Ratchet and Clank.

I can’t be the only one... can I?

(so lonely....)

June 21.

Oops... I angered the master racer...

Your original post never specified that you already had a gaming PC, but no PS4. But you’re still using a false comparison. You’re comparing the price of the Oculus unit alone ($599) to the price of a PS4+PSVR ($800). A fair comparison would be to add the price of a gaming rig to

He may be referring to the fact that PSVR ($399) is half the cost of the Vive ($799), and 2/3 the cost of Rift ($599).

Just finished the game last night! Here’s my best shot! The butterfly flew in at JUST the right time.


Currently unavailable... That was fast. :-(

Currently unavailable... That was fast. :-(

I love that ESPN is putting some attention into eSports.

How long is the game?

I proudly proclaim that I beat Tyson. My brother got the game when I was in 3rd grade, and I finally beat Tyson when I was a freshman in college.

Ori and the Blind Forest had a pretty emotional first 10 minutes. I hope that gets a nod.

Now playing

I will always love the piano remix from the Ducktales: Remastered soundtrack.