
"Men want to possess" a beautiful woman, no kidding you idiot, 200,000 years of human evolution says they do.

You must be a load of fun at parties.

Progressives are humorless sticks-in-the-mud. Even the most blatant homophobia and racism can be hilarious, as the "new sheriff" scene from Blazing Saddles proves.

Somebody who posseses even the slightest inkling of Christianity, generally, and the Christian family, specifically, should have written this review. Rizov is out of his depth, practically infantile in his discussion.

I suspect you'd get your panties in a twist if you were required to read anything from a religious perspective that denounced homosexuality.

I suppose you'd be all for students being assigned literature (although comic books don't qualify as "literature") from Christian pastors explaining that homosexuality is a vile, degenerate practice.

Meh. It's a soap opera.