
It's actually a bigger deal than you would expect. Gronkowski's the first known person to contract arm herpes.

Guys, it's not REALLY an up-and-coming site. It has too many vowels in its name, and it doesn't end in an R.

Those closest relatives don't care, though, because they're too busy making thousands of dollars per hour on their laptops.

Ironic, considering that rapgenius.com is white devil sophistry.

That's not how the system works. Kinja should have a link to flag a comment as spam, and hiring editorial fellows as comment moderators would be a great way to cut the spam down to size. But the current implementation doesn't allow for this. Posters were supposed to moderate their own comment sections, but the editors

Thomas explained how these companies could stop these hacks. If only we were clicking on these links, none of these intrusions would've happened. How else do you think he made $9,661 in four weeks on the computer?

It's not a matter of reusing a $0.02 bottle, it's a matter of cleaning out a bottle before you cash it in for $0.05.

Yeah, but what about states where water bottles have deposits? Bet they didn't think about THAT!

Yeah, once would have been an annoying hiccup, but this happened four or five times a day at one point, for multiple shows. My wife actually has a picture of me on the bed, passed out, phone on my stomach, as I was in the middle of cleaning up from one of those freak-outs while she was in the shower. :)

I just wish you could move bookmark folders around, for those bookmarks you'd rather not explain to your significant other.

How polite of Jimmy Simpson to evaluate his own tweet in the hashtag.

Exactly. The editors for various sites don't have time to run around and whack those spam comments, but because they're the ones starting the root threads for comments, they're the only ones with the power to stop them. Comment moderators and a reporting button, or just the approval process for new comments from the

Another question for yinz: one of my friends gave me her old laptops, and I'm fixing one up to give to another friend. It's a Compaq Presario R3000 (yeah, ancient, but she's currently on Windows 98, so this'll be an improvement) with an Athlon 1.6Ghz processor and (thanks to a cheap find at Microcenter) the maximum of

Or just hire a couple of editorial whatevers as comment moderators. I don't know how it's working with the full Kinja experience on Jalopnik, but hopefully they fixed that.

One caveat to Stitcher: several high-profile shows aren't available on Stitcher for economic reasons. I believe Earwolf pulled their shows because they were only getting credit for one play, even though they had a lot of listeners through Stitcher, and that threw a wrench in their advertising metrics.

The straw that broke the whipping-llama's back for me was when I was on my honeymoon and the Apple podcast app kept trying to grab everything in the feeds for four or five certain podcasts every. fucking. time. I tried to update them. One of them was the Nerdist, which I'd subscribed to since the beginning, and

Downcast whips the asses of llamas better than Winamp ever did. It's $2 and worth every fraction of a cent.

I believe one of Gizmodo's editors said that these posts are being made by live humans. That would be enough to slip through and just get on there in the first place. In Kinja's defense, other websites get these spam comments using non-Kinja systems, so it's not just slipshod coding by Gawker. Although the nice thing

Copypasta from the Ask Lifehacker thread:

So apparently I completely blew past the Inbox Zero bit, but I just decided to queue up for Mailbox.