“Once, she fell into a pit of corrosive acid, human excrement, and dead livestock.”
“Once, she fell into a pit of corrosive acid, human excrement, and dead livestock.”
Fascinating look into the life of someone who has made a living off of a really crippling social condition. Good for her and thanks for sharing
I hope she sticks around. She seems really fun.
I know right, I think it is a bit funny to replace a character in a series about criminals because he may have committed a crime.
Is it weird that the alleged crime that drove him out just seems quaint to me? No harassment or assault or harm to another person directly? Let him be!
She left because they paid her in loot boxes.
so did i. you could say i’m a fan :)
Goodness, was she attractive?
Mr. Resetti only yells at you if you quit without saving, not if you haven’t played in a long time.
“Your orgasm is in another castle.”
This. A million times this.
Every day, hundreds of millions of Americans play the game - go to work, earn money, spend money, repeat. Save a little coin along the way and one day you retire. That’s the way the game has always been played.
But yet, when we look at those who have been more successful at playing the exact…
That’s what kills me about people writing “articles” like this. What business is it of theirs how much someone chooses to give away, or who they give it to? No one made Bezos give that money away, so no matter if it was $1 or $2,000,000,000, it’s up to him to decide if and how he wants to use his money.
So he would have been better off keeping the $2 billion and doing nothing with it? I mean there are plenty of appropriate grievances to be aired towards Bezos. Be better Hamno. This is fucking weaksauce.
I don’t condone greed, but I also am not one who thinks it’s my job to tell Jeff Bezos what to do with his money.
If you get it, make sure to play it with headphones. The sound design is stunning.
Yes. The combat could be a bit stiff and its kind of a short game at 7hrs or so but overall it was a fantastic experience with amazing ambiance and it does something that games typically avoid by briefly exploring the concepts and stigmas of mental illness. For $30 on steam, I can’t recommend it more.
Wow, this looks amazing. Environment is spectacular. Was this game any good?
Great cosplay! If they need the ever present whispers of malevolent self doubt I cosplay that 24-7.
Playably unliteral.
Literally unplayable.