Are we sure that wasn’t the actual Gamora there...
Are we sure that wasn’t the actual Gamora there...
The planet I’m on now I’ve found a few decent sized lakes but they’ve all been surrounded by pretty MASSIVE cliffs. Like really big so the view isn’t quite good enough. It doesn’t help that the lakes are enitrely frozen because the planet is facking freezing lol. I too am on my own Goldilocks search for a small rock…
I’m trying to build a No Man’s Skyscraper. Each tower is gonna be 5 x 4 x however many levels I can get away with. I hope it will be tall enough to get in the way of the low flying ships that are headed to the nearby trade port. It would take another holocene to refine all the pure ferrite I’d need, but I’ve been…
I’ve found some pretty huge lakes before. In fact, I can remember two distinct times there have been facilities underwater, at the bottom of lakes. One of them had predatory sea creatures. That was pretty cool—I felt like I was diving for sunken treasure.
Oh I just landed on a wonderful planet last night, just before I hyper jumped to the next system, that was full of lakes and islands. I was messing around with the terrain manipulator and found a massive water filled cave system. The first planet I landed on in my new system is totally barren but LOADED with…
Loving all of this No Man’s Sky coverage. These articles from Gita have single handly convinced me to get back into the game after a long dormancy. Still stuck with my original craft, not sure how to find blueprints for a new one yet, but having fun all the same.
That’s awesome. I’ve been playing the main mission, and I’m still not completely sure if I should just simply explore more and build a base or actually keep up with the story. Also I shot an egg and some scary ass creatures came outta nowhere. I haven’t played the game since xD
That gif is unsatisfying
That was my experience when I played it back during the initial release.
It’s fucking incredible now. It’s the game that we’ve all wanted since we were little kids. I’m in love with the NEXT update.
Its a revenge series, the trailer makes that extremely clear. Also yes I agree, the knee jerk ban it tendencies are getting old. We are all adults here (likely) we can make our own choices, including what to watch and what not to watch. Making things taboo doesn’t help anything or anyone.
Wah. Wah. Don’t support it. Move on. It’s always something.
Just don’t watch it. More importantly, don’t hate watch it.
Lucasarts made two Tentacle games and will never make a third, so a group of fans have done some heroic work and…
How I Parent, Zynga Edition:
They’ve been to Saturn? HEY, I’VE BEEN TO SATURN!
Clown in space, because he obviously intentionally sneaks into the spaceship to stalk you. It’s scarier when you’re a target.
I hate ‘em, myself.
This is a stupid article. Which Is Scarier, Space Or The Ocean?
The only relevant inquiry is whether its scarier to find a clown in the ocean or a clown in space? Answer me that, idiots.