He’s Link in a different timeline!
He’s Link in a different timeline!
:D Despite it being slightly dicky, this made me giggle!
It’s Ultra-HOT!!!!!
Ha! I use the shotgun 85% of the time! You’ll naturally develop a good strategy for playing. For me that’s run around with the shotgun, wipe out the low-grade enemies first, then switch to the larger or ranged weapons for the bigger enemies that generally follow. The shotguns feel precisely like they should. Good…
I really like Quake 4. It’s not quite on the same level as Doom 3 (I absolutely LOVE Doom 3) but it’s good. (especially half-way through the game where it picks up the pace) They had some great ideas in there, and the action was solid through the whole game. Really hoping they do a new Quake game. Hopefully id will…
I really didn’t think I was going to like or use these at all, but they do kind of add to the flow of things. They just kind of make you feel more like you’re actually in combat. I can’t imagine being in combat, and never whacking someone, or kicking, or using the surrounding environment. This isn’t required, it’s not…
You just spoiled the internet for me! Thanks a lot! Jerk!
Exactly. It is a huge defining characteristic of this genre. It’s not EVERYTHING to do with the genre, but it is a good part of it. I wonder if the OP is disturbed by Blade Runner or Neuromancer.
First of all, I think you’re supposed to feel creeped out by that. (for my personal feelings on the whole thing see my post a few above) That is supposed to bring out all kinds of emotions and thoughts if you ask me. How did she get there, why are those forces after her, who did she kill, who made her, why does she…
Love that you asked that. :) Since it’s a game, (a form of entertainment) set in a gritty cyberpunk dystopia, neither part makes me uncomfortable. There’s plenty of sexy stuff in William Gibson books. The very term cyberpunk brings up images or technology, violence, sex, drugs, class wars, giant evil corporations,…
While it wasn’t necessarily KNOWN for it, it definitely had MP. I used to play on IPX networks with friends, over a serial cable with my brother, and over a normal modem with a friend of mine. Mainly DM and co-op modes. We used to set up a 10base-2 coax network at a friends house, and play four player death match.…
What about it? I enjoyed the hell out of it.
Who’s got your nose?!?! :D
You know, I’ve played some hard games. Mostly Arcade, older computer (C64/Amiga) older console (8/16bit eras.) I’ve played some that were so hard that I never finished them. I’ve played some that I gave in and cheated at, and then later wish I hadn’t. I’ve played games that made me want to throw things, hit things,…
:D I accidentally wore a red shirt and khaki pants once into a Target. Similar thing happened.
Me too. I’ve been really enjoying similar games. HLD, ShovelKnight, FEZ, Axiom Verge, Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, etc. I’m reminded of MegaMan, Castlevania, Metroid, Zelda, and then some of the more obscure like Another World, Flashback, etc. It’s like all of the good games are starting to resurface as new games,…
Spot on! This is exactly correct. I died left and right when I started. Once I realized a few simple things (watch patterns, manage enemy types, don’t run right into a battle, etc.) it became much more manageable. I still die plenty, but not like in the beginning. Now with a few upgrades, I’m only dying if I do…
I am hopelessly 100% sucked into this game right now. It was a rough start, as while I do play a lot of hard games, this one was difficult in a different sort of way. However, I find it very fair about it. Short check-points help, a few little exploits I found like killing monsters then walking back to the previous…
It looks a little tight in there, but adding USB ports inside the N64 ports somehow would have been cool, so controllers went into the front.
Not quite as bad as Ultima VII (Serpent Isle was worse than Black Gate). It took a few hours to get the extra 2ish K of base memory free that I needed beyond what I had already done. I was an absolute master of HiMem and EMM386 but this was still horrible.