
They are equally useful.

Says Who? The Doctor.

"I'm not a hypocrite, you're the hypocrite!" What are you, twelve? You excuse everything Obama does and always assume Americans mean well while pretending you care about human rights and war crimes, it is the very definition of hypocrisy. Then you have to pretend I ever wrote "it's cool when Russia is doing it"…

So they could have the exact same Felicity Jones/father figure reunion twice.

Maybe you have to watch the cartoon to understand why this character was in the movie.

Torture and illegal mass surveillance alone already make W more evil than the average Republican. In term of disasters, he also had 9/11, the Iraq war, Katrina, the Great Recession…

Does that mean the Rally for Sanity didn't launch a powerful movement?

No need to forgive anybody, just pretend nothing happened. Because who knows who did or did not commit war crimes? We have to look forward, not backwards.

Fuck 2017.

So he is a con man. You are missing the point, on purpose.

Fuck the media who covered Sanders for about 10 minutes in 2015, and the moneybags who control the Democratic party.

"Hard left" is neoliberal speak for "to the left of Larry Summers".

Amazing, another awful video game adaptation. Statically at least one of those movies should be great, by accident or sheer luck. But it is just not happening.

Take that, Adam Smith.

Fuck the guys who selected the awful candidate Hillary, and inflicted Trump upon the world.

The solution is simple: banish the Clintons and the rest of the pro-Wall Street wing of the party. Appointing Chuck Shumer as Senate leader shows they haven't learned anything, and don't want to learn anything because it would be less rewarding financially.

These days"progressives" of the Bee variety are even cheering for deranged warmongers like McCain and Graham.

His form of hyper-partisan paranoia isn't unique anymore, he is obviously Bee's role model.

You sound like someone who gets their news from Samantha Bee, who hates Sanders more than Trump.

Have they found those WMDs yet? And was MLK really a commie? 17 intelligence agencies would NEVER lie.