
At least Sarandon supported a candidate who may have beaten Trump, unlike Bee who was the most vicious and deluded Hillary surrogate in the media (and there was a lot of competition).

I'm sure you will still believe anything the CIA "leaks" to the Washington Post without proof in a couple of years, when it is full of Trump goons.

Sorry to disappoint you but the short-lived conservative opposition to tyranny ended on November 9. You see, they thought he would lose.

What is the point exactly? What does any of this have to do with the next election and the real world in general? Stewart had those meet-in-the-middle "reasonable" interviews with O'Reilly and what good did it do?

It makes perfect sense, Bee is the Glenn Beck of Clintonistas. While Beck was (and still is?) looking for connections between Obama and Trotsky, Bee is obsessed with Russia and doing her part to convince hipsters that McCarthy was right.

That must be why Chris Pratt has so many Oscar nominations.

It is stupid to spoil the story in the review and include a Spoiler Space before the movie is even released.

But the AV Club loves the fan fiction with bad characters of nuStarWars.

Not a fan of Christmas?

3. Manchester by the Sea
2. Elle
1. Kung Fu Panda 3

It makes Swinton look great to get in a spat with an Asian woman now and about Doctor Strange, that's for sure.

Hopefully Swinton will expose more of these garbage Asian persons always getting angry for no reason!

Maybe attacking the person you had chosen as your Asian friend isn't going to solve your whitewashing controversy.

Why should I "defend" anything Russia does? I'm happy to say Obama and Putin are both war criminals who would share a cell at the ICC in a just world. That is because I am not a rabid nationalist always eager to excuse the crimes of my dear leader and his soldiers.

Velociraptor didn't even know the report existed at all , and you wouldn't be able to find Georgia on a map. The situation in Georgia is complex and discussing it with rabid American nationalists is pointless. But I'm always happy to help.

I was looking forward to you explaining why Obama killed innocent civilians in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and, yes, Syria too. Just kidding, that will never happen. And of course you would rather talk endlessly about Putin and repeat neocon propaganda, like the "principled hawk" warmongers McCain and Graham and

People who voted for Hillary over Sanders didn't know what was good for them, and inflicted Trump upon the world. Time to stop listening to Clintonistas.

It was the Cybor 9/11!

Even with the dubious murder claim, this is a much better summary of the situation than Velociraptor's neocon conspiracy theories.

Did she ask the same question to Obama, Hillary or herself?