
Since you watched Lost until the end, you obviously have terrible tastes and too much free time.

My heroes? Unlike Velociraptor, I have never written emotional essays celebrating anyone. You people love Obama and Clinton who have spent years killing brown people. Stop projecting.

Forget Velociraptor's conspiracy theories, but it would be funny if the KGB actually rigged a US election. I know the rest of the world would find that hilarious, and well deserved.

If your Politics essay reads like it could have been written by McCain or Cheney… you probably supported Hillary, and the Iraq War.

Listen, Velociraptor, you are completely clueless about foreign policy. And ten minutes of Googling is no substitute for following these issues over the years. I know that Georgia started the war because it was what most of the world actually reported at the time, and I remember that even a EU investigation later

It is also hilarious that you keep repeating the dumbest neocon lie at the moment: that Assad likes having ISIS in his country. You know non-white people are human too? It is not a political game to them, they live right next to head choppers. And even Assad would die if ISIS won.

"Unrest"? Russia sent in tanks because the US puppet who was president of Georgia killed Russian soldiers and started a war.

"We were by far the lesser evil"

Does it get to the part where he drones weddings in Afghanistan?

1. Game of Thrones
2. Some other TV shows

John Glenn was a pretty great guy, but he was no Yuri Gagarin.

Buddy, you're the one looking for Russian agents in the White House and the Cabinet. You don't get to call anyone a crackpot now.

Clintonistas love deranged warmongers McCain and Graham, because of course they do. McCain wanted to start World War 3 in 2008 already over Georgia, even though it was established that it was the neocon President of Georgia who attacked Russian troops first. McCain also likes to sing about bombing foreign countries.

I thought Clintonistas would stop obsessing hysterically over Russia after the election, but it is obviously not the case. Blaming Putin for everything without any proof (and demanding a McCarthy-era witch hunt of Russian spies in the Homeland) seems to be the way "progressives" have chosen to fight Trump and rebuild

Pretty great guy, but he was no Gagarin.

Burn Notice taught me a Hyundai Genesis Coupe was the perfect car to escape when the FBI is on your tail.

When you're a fake psychic, you rely on anyone who is still talking to you - except ghosts, obviously.

Sorry about that, but I really wanted Adam to sign my Kylo Ren life size doll.