
How is Dolores reaching full consciousness when she seems to be guided every step of the way by Ford, who can still predict her actions down to the second?

I didn't see the biggest twist coming: the episode was 90 minutes long! Westworld has done it again.

My guy? Stop projecting, again. You don't think Obama is an asshole, you love him.

Except every meatbag in the park and the outside world would freak out if Bernard was revealed to be a robot.

No. Many hosts have extremely unappealing lives. And if Ford wanted to make her suffer, he could find far more horrible ways to do it: not wiping her memory for a start, or just PAIN set to 20 in the basement for thirty years.

She said she could command him, but she didn't want to be as cruel as the meatbag masters.

They have high-speed subway and stations all over the park, with elevators. Charlotte wouldn't have to walk for long. I'm not sure about the size but the staff lives above ground, EXCEPT if there's a twist and they are all robots.

Not if she bugged in bed with him and started killing everybody.

Again the biggest mystery is: "Why care about anything happening in Westworld?".

That is because the entire season takes place in William's head, Westworld is just a virtual reality game! And in the finale he takes off his headset, he lives on the Moon in 2050!! But then the technician helping him says "Stop" and William freezes, we see the face of the technician it's Arnold/Bernard!!!

Americans tortured thousands of people in Iraq, in jail and elsewhere. Dozens or perhaps hundreds died. We may never know the number of victims, but enough survivors have come forward to get an idea. You really think only one died? Your ignorance is amazing.

Castro remained a hero to millions around the world, from Vietnam to South Africa, because he stood up to US imperialism and helped others do the same. Given the tens of millions of innocent people slaughtered by US soldiers and US allies during the decades Castro was in power, Americans should be the last to

I never "revisit" TV shows. There's enough crap with great reviews piling up in the DVR already.

I wonder if Rebekah Mercer will get a prestigious Ambassador position, like many of Obama's top donors.


I expect the upcoming article about Mike Pence and Hamilton to break 10,000 comments.

That is the point, he has been telling you so for 7 years while Obama droned weddings and deported millions of immigrants.

Why shouldn't it be a scandal? "First Ladies" are supposed to be on the take?

Until the next terrorist attack with an all GOP government.

The world isn't a field of battle M. Rumsfeld.